Evaluation of the feasibility of using aerodynamic de-orbiting systems depending on the orbit altitude
aerodynamic systems, deorbiting, space objects, orbital altitudeAbstract
This article is devoted to analyzing and evaluating the feasibility of using aerodynamic systems for space object deorbiting depending on the orbital altitude. The study's main purpose is to determine the orbital altitude at which the use of aerodynamic systems is appropriate. In the process of research were analyzed modern scientific works devoted to developing such systems. The criterion of efficiency was determined. In this case, the criterion of minimum mass was chosen. The initial parameters of the space object to be taken out of orbit were determined. The period of deorbiting was defined as 25 years. Different atmospheric density models such as JB2008, NRLMSISE-00, and COESA76 were analyzed for the calculations. The COESA76 model was chosen for the calculations because of its ease of use. The efficiency of the aerodynamic guidance systems was evaluated by calculating the required сross-sectional area for deorbit in a determined time. The calculation was performed for orbits with altitudes from 300 to 900 kilometers with 1-kilometer increments. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the efficiency of the aerodynamic deorbit systems begins to decrease after an orbital altitude of 500 kilometers rapidly and reaches the minimum acceptable value at an altitude of 630 kilometers. After an orbital altitude of 800 kilometers, the efficiency becomes so low that the approximate mass of the deorbit system begins to equal, or even exceed the mass of the space object that must be taken out of orbit. In conclusion, the study highlights the critical importance of considering orbital altitude when assessing the feasibility of using aerodynamic deorbit systems. Finally, it was concluded that the use of aerodynamic deorbit systems is appropriate for orbits below 600 kilometers altitude.
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