The use of known information sources to identify trends in the development of methods and technical means for removing space objects from low Earth orbits



The intensive development of space activities has led to an increase in the amount of space debris in Earth's orbit. The launch and operation of spacecraft such as satellites, launch vehicles (LVs), and space stations are accompanied by a high probability of various residual materials and debris, such as small fragments and debris resulting from the destruction of LVs or spacecraft [1], remaining in orbit and transforming into space debris objects (SDOs). The accumulation of such objects poses a threat to the safety of space missions and may have long-term negative consequences for future space missions and Earth's satellite infrastructure.

With the increasing number of spacecraft and SDOs, there is a need to develop effective and reliable debris mitigation methods to prevent possible collisions and preserve the space environment. It is already known that one of the most popular ways to remove SDOs from low Earth orbits (LEOs) is their deorbiting with subsequent reentry and burn-up in the Earth's atmosphere [2]. However, determining the most promising trends in the development of these methods and technical devices is a complex task that requires in-depth analysis and study of available information sources.

The aim of this work is to review information sources and identify trends in the development of methods and technical means for removing space objects (SOs) from low Earth orbits (LEOs).


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How to Cite

Abaturov, A., Dron, M., & Proroka, V. (2023). The use of known information sources to identify trends in the development of methods and technical means for removing space objects from low Earth orbits. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 78-82.
