On the feasibility of using suborbital rockets for diverting space objects from low Earth orbits
The increasing number of non-functioning space objects in low and medium Earth orbits is posing a growing challenge of diverting them into the denser layers of the atmosphere to prevent collisions between these objects and the increasing space debris in these areas. In recent years, a large number of space debris mitigation measures (deorbit systems) have been proposed [1]. Almost all proposed solutions involve placing such devices in orbits with parameters close to those of the debris orbit, followed by the approach of the diversion device to the object that needs to be diverted. Some devices are capable of diverting only one large space debris object, while others perform operations to transition between orbits where debris is located in order to capture several such objects.
In comparison with the solutions proposed so far, the method of diverting space debris deorbit systems using rockets capable of following suborbital trajectories looks promising. These rockets include both existing suborbital launch vehicles (SLVs) such as sounding rockets, meteorological and geophysical rockets, rockets for space tourism, etc., as well as some decommissioned military rockets. These rockets can provide the deorbit system with access to the same areas of near-Earth space as the launch vehicles. However, this approach has its peculiarities.
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