Synthesis of design and technological solutions in the development of UAV launch system
unmanned aerial vehicles, solid-fuel, rocket engine, launch, manufacturabilityAbstract
This scientific paper examines the process of launching unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) using a solid-fuel rocket engine. The primary focus is on analyzing the design and technological aspects and advantages of using solid-fuel rocket engines for UAV launches, as well as describing the design features and technical characteristics of such systems. The study includes an analysis of the current state of UAV development, the challenges of UAV launch, and modern trends in launch system design. It addresses issues of reliability and safety in using solid fuel, as well as the impact of various parameters on launch efficiency. An analysis of possible UAV design schemes with rocket-assisted launch methods is conducted, comparing them with other launch systems. Examples of implemented systems are provided, and the feasibility of using the proposed technical solutions in them is analyzed. Constructive and technological solutions that meet the criteria of manufacturability, reliability, and resource efficiency are proposed. The feasibility and practicality of using the proposed design and technological solutions for UAV launch tasks are assessed, taking into account the aforementioned criteria and conducting a comparative analysis with previously considered launch schemes and systems. The potential use of such systems for military and civilian purposes, their adaptability to different operating conditions, and possible economic benefits are separately analyzed. Based on the obtained data, conclusions are drawn regarding the prospects for the development of this technology and recommendations for further research. Specifically, the influence of climatic conditions and other external factors on the reliability of UAV launches using solid-fuel rocket engines is considered, as well as possible ways to optimize designs to improve efficiency.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Артем Швець, Ігор Білоцерковський, Олексій Кулик, Олександр Добродомов (Автор)

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