About the concept of creating a compartment for onboard radio electronics of suborbital ultra-light class rockets



The space industry is currently experiencing active development, which requires manufacturers of rocket and space technology to continuously improve and modernize their developments. Onboard radio-electronic equipment (ORE) of rockets is a key component that ensures the reliable and safe operation of the rocket during launch and flight, and must also withstand vibrations and shocks upon landing [1].

The concept of creating a compartment for ORE of a suborbital ultra-light rocket is an important direction in the development of space technology in the modern aerospace industry. With continuous progress and modernization of rocket and aerospace technology, onboard radio electronics have become a key component for ensuring the uninterrupted and safe operation of the rocket during launch and flight. Requirements for the equipment of the hardware compartment include resistance to high temperatures and pressure during rocket launch and acceleration, as well as to vibrations and shocks during landing. At the early stage of designing new hardware compartments for suborbital rockets, problems arise both in assessing the reliability of the new product and in predicting the test results, which is related to the uncertainty or lack of information for the necessary calculations [2].


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How to Cite

Lukianenko, I., Manko, T., & Kulyk, O. (2023). About the concept of creating a compartment for onboard radio electronics of suborbital ultra-light class rockets. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 29-32. https://cims.fti.dp.ua/j/article/view/7


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