Research on the Connection of Heterogeneous Non-Metallic Materials in the Manufacture of Rocket and Space Technology Structures



In order to choose a method of joining dissimilar non-metallic materials in the manufacture of compartments of rocket and space technology, it is of particular interest to study the adhesion strength using a whole range of materials. These are glues, binders and fabrics that would guarantee high adhesive strength in the structure.

Strong bonding of dissimilar materials is one of the important tasks during construction construction, therefore special attention is paid to the selection and research of the adhesive layer. Consider an example of joining composite materials with rubber.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Manko, T., & Kozis, K. (2023). Research on the Connection of Heterogeneous Non-Metallic Materials in the Manufacture of Rocket and Space Technology Structures. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 260-262.
