The Use of Glass-Reinforced Plastics in Rocket and Space Technology



Currently, rocket and space technology products require the use of materials with high specific characteristics [1]. These requirements can be met by glass-reinforced plastics, which have high physical and mechanical properties and low density. The task is to obtain glass-reinforced plastics while reducing the energy intensity of the process.

Modern composites require the application of advanced technologies in the composition curing process. The widespread method of curing fiberglass using convective heating does not provide the opportunity to obtain the necessary physical and mechanical properties. The paper considers the application of the infrared heating method for composite curing, which allows achieving higher microhardness, a compact polymer structure, and a high degree of curing.

The most complex and problematic operation in the manufacture of samples is the curing operation of the composites. This issue arises precisely when choosing the method of curing fiberglass. The most common method is convective heating of the blank, but tests have shown insufficient quality indicators of the composite. Therefore, a comparative study was conducted among the most common curing methods. The synthesis was carried out by the traditional convective method, infrared heating, and selective IR heating.


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Materials and technologies

How to Cite

Manko, T., & Siedachova, K. (2023). The Use of Glass-Reinforced Plastics in Rocket and Space Technology. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 253-255.
