Possibility of using the territories of Kryvyi Rih disturbed by mining operations for wind energy development
wind energy, post-man-made landscapes, waste heaps, natural resourcpotential potential, vertical axis turbines, horizontal axis turbines, energy independenceAbstract
Purpose. Determination of the Natural Resource Potential of the Territories Disturbed by Mining Operations of Mining and Processing Plants on the Example of the Territories of the Kryvyi Rih Mining Region. Design / Method / Approach. The article considers the feasibility of using the territories disturbed by mining operations, in particular, waste heaps in Kryvbas, for the placement of wind power plants. On the basis of the research conducted, the authors have proved the efficiency of using wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation. Calculation of wind energy potential for vertical and horizontal wind turbines in Kryvyi Rih Findings. Areas disturbed by mining operations are promising for wind energy. It is advisable to install wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation on waste heaps. This makes sense from an economic and environmental point of view. Theoretical Implications. Today, wind energy has not been studied enough, which makes it an interesting area for research. Practical Implications. The use of areas disturbed by mining operations for wind power allows enterprises to have energy independence for important technological processes and reduces the environmental impact. Originality / Value. In today's environment, industry is energy-intensive and energy-dependent, so using areas disturbed by mining operations for wind power is an innovative approach. The use of wind farms in areas with low wind speeds (such as Kryvbas) is a new approach to providing mining companies with renewable and environmentally friendly electricity. Research Limitations / Future Research. The authors plan to further study wind power plants, select optimal designs and calculate technological parameters for their installation. Study of the peculiarities of post-manufacturing landscapes of Kryvbas for the placement of wind power plants. Paper Type. Analytical Paper.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olha Medvedieva, Zariana Halchenko, Oleksii Demchenko (Author)

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