Assessment of the impact of Russia's armed aggression on the state of atmospheric air in Ukraine
atmospheric air pollution, Russia's armed aggression, impact on the environment, health of the population, harmful substancesAbstract
Purpose. The article is aimed at identifying the sources of the negative impact of Russia's armed aggression on the atmospheric air in Ukraine and the consequences of the influx of harmful substances from them on the health of the population and the state of ecosystems. Design / Method / Approach. The study is based on the analysis of official data on the number of destroyed military equipment, in particular, cruise missiles of various types and drones. The method of calculating unorganized pollutant emissions from non-stationary sources into atmospheric air is applied. Findings It was revealed that only during the period of military operations during September-October 2024, emissions into the atmosphere increased by 7.3%. Possible manifestations of the adverse effect of pollutсants coming from the main sources of influence are considered. The long-term consequences of air pollution with fine dust, ammonia, and dioxins were analyzed It was established that 56.4% of atmospheric pollution is related to the destruction of Kh-555/101, Iskander M/KN and S-300/400 missiles. The mass of harmful substances that entered the air during the downing of cruise missiles was determined and the resulting environmental damage was calculated. Theoretical Implications. The study provides insight into how the downing of rockets leads to environmental damage to the atmosphere, mainly caused by nitrogen and carbon oxides. Practical Implications Practical recommendations have been provided regarding the participation of every citizen of Ukraine in recording the damage caused to atmospheric air as a result of military actions. Originality / Value. The article contains an original analysis of real cases of negative consequences of the impact of armed aggression on atmospheric air and is a valuable source for further assessment of its condition. Research Limitations / Future Research. The study is limited to the analysis of specific data and does not cover all possible aspects of the impact on atmospheric air. Future studies can expand the understanding of the long-term effects of pollutants on people and ecosystems. Article type. Applied Research.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Оlena Dolzhenkova, Diana Nazarenko (Author)

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