Multi-purpose optimization of outsourcing solutions in a virtual enterprise
virtual enterprise, outsourcing, multi-objective optimization, integral criterionAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop a model of multi-objective optimization of outsourcing at virtual enterprises, the main purpose of which is to respond quickly to market changes and maximize the efficiency of the use of enterprise resources. Design / Method / Approach. The theoretical basis of the work was made up of the works of scientists dedicated to the functioning of the virtual economy and virtual enterprises, the peculiarities of personnel outsourcing in the modern conditions of the functioning of enterprises and the optimization of the resource potential of the enterprise. During the research, methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, modeling, generalization and systematization of scientific information were used. Findings. The peculiarities of the functioning of the virtual enterprise made it possible to substantiate the expediency of the introduction of outsourcing at the virtual enterprise, the use of which allows to reduce risks in the implementation of the principles of virtual organizations. Theoretical Implications. The obtained results are consistent with the principles of strategic management of enterprises in modern conditions of globalization and digital transformation of society, an important aspect of which is the effective use of limited resources, which determines a successful enterprise management strategy. Practical Implications. The constructed model of multi-objective optimization of the use of outsourcing in a virtual enterprise allows to conduct an economic justification of the effectiveness of the decisions made on the implementation of outsourcing, to calculate possible risks and the effectiveness of project implementation. Originality / Value. The use of outsourcing is one of the tools for effective implementation of virtual enterprise business models. This is the direction of realizing the potential of Ukraine's economy against the background of the ongoing Russian invasion. Research Limitations / Future Research. Further research includes verification of the model, comparative analysis of cases of its implementation, expansion of the list of evaluation criteria, and research into possible synergistic effects from the implementation of outsourcing implementation projects. Paper Type. Empirical.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Grynko, Serhii Duliepov (Author)

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