Development of a scheme for extracting part of the thermal energy from the cooling circuit of the hood of a blast furnace for heating premises for household and domestic purposes.



In modern energy realities of the world and Ukraine, one of the vectors of development is the efficient use of available energy resources. One of the methods of efficient use of energy resources is the so-called RES - secondary energy resources, which are by-products of primary production that can be used in energy, for example, heat from the cooling system of machines and units, or, as in this case, entire production systems such as a Blast Furnace.

In the volume of such an installation as a Blast Furnace, there is a very large cooling system for both the furnace itself and other parts of the complex that come into contact with high temperatures from the iron and slag.

In most cases, the heat from the cooling system is usually simply dissipated in the cooling towers of the blast furnace complex, without being used in additional tasks for energy conservation, which departs from the trends in production and energy development models.

Furthermore, the significant thermal energy that is essentially wasted into the atmosphere also has minor but nevertheless significant consequences for the ecology of the region where the production is located.

Therefore, the development of a system using the thermal energy from the cooling circuit of the blast furnace hood for heating premises for household and domestic purposes is a promising direction for the development of energy in the scale of metallurgical complexes.


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Н. В. Ливитан. Конспект лекций по дисциплине «Тепло-энергетика» : конспект лекцій. Днепропетровск : Национальная металлургическая академия Украины, 2005. 35 с.





Energy and thermotechnics

How to Cite

Albert, N., & Yalova, A. (2023). Development of a scheme for extracting part of the thermal energy from the cooling circuit of the hood of a blast furnace for heating premises for household and domestic purposes. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 130-132.
