Modernization of the design of a water heater for more efficient combustion of various types of solid fuel
In the current energy situation in the country and the world, with a constant trend of rising heating costs, more and more households are switching to personal heating systems. The most popular are heating systems based on solid fuel boilers, due to their price and technological accessibility even in the least developed regions of the country and the world, these heating systems are the most popular among other types of heating and hot water supply.
Among the most promising ways to modernize solid fuel boilers is the path to more efficient combustion of solid fuel and obtaining the maximum amount of energy from the burned unit of fuel.
The ways of modernization for efficient combustion include improving the design and installing additional equipment.
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Основні вимоги з безпеки праці при експлуатації твердопа-ливних котлів - Охорона праці і пожежна безпека. Охорона праці і пожежна безпека. URL: (дата зве-рнення: 20.05.2023).
Твердопаливні котли України - перспективи ринку – Укр-біо. URL: (дата звернення: 20.05.2023).
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