Psychophysiological Characteristics of Operators as a Factor of Accidents



With the development and complication of technology, the importance of the human factor in production is increasing. The need to study this factor (i.e., the physiological, psychological, psychophysiological capabilities of a person) in the development and improvement of technological processes, in the organization of production, and in the operation of human-machine systems becomes obvious. The effectiveness and reliability of the created technology depend on the successful solution of this task. The growth of the role of the individual and the scale of the sphere of psychophysiological activity of the professional subject in the field of technology originates from individual activity to interpersonal interactions of specialists and their social activity.

Analyzing the most general components of the activity of the operator of a nuclear power plant, we aimed to specify the conceptual model of the controlled process, which allows the operator to correlate various parts of the technological process as a whole and to act effectively. The reliability of the operator's activity in various situations is ensured by the formation of individual conceptual models of activity.

The consideration of imaginary models of the operating personnel of nuclear power plants is usually imagined as follows: the equipment of the nuclear power plant is an information space where, in a time regime of various operational situations, the manifestation of the technological process unfolds. The mental model of the equipment of a nuclear power plant has spatial-temporal characteristics of imaginary processes. In imagination, the operator can present the reactor, turbine, or any other equipment in a folded or unfolded form.


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Sheviakov, O. (2023). Psychophysiological Characteristics of Operators as a Factor of Accidents. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 324-331.
