Transformation of Strategic Planning Toolkit in the Context of Economic Digitalization



In modern business conditions, the main direction of sustainable development for domestic enterprises is orientation towards strategic planning of activities, taking into account the challenges in the market, the socio-economic environment, technological aspects, and changes in the external environment of operation. Digital transformations in the modern world lead to changes in approaches to the work of enterprises in virtually all sectors of the economy. Essentially, we are living in a period of the so-called 4th industrial revolution, which has influenced and will continue to influence the economic, social, technological, and organizational components of the work of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. Therefore, strategic planning enables enterprises to align the overall development strategy with the availability of real and potential opportunities for its implementation, taking into account the threats, risks, and instabilities associated with the implementation of new digital tools.


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Polova, N., Dubyk, B., & Duma, Y. (2023). Transformation of Strategic Planning Toolkit in the Context of Economic Digitalization. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 367-369.
