Foreign Experience in the Development of Non-Core Services



The context of digital transformation in industry is driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The increasingly widespread availability of technologies such as mobile devices, artificial intelligence, cloud, analytics, and platforms is fundamentally changing how we live, work, and interact – what has been termed the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

An analysis of revenues from non-core services in the 16 largest global telecommunications companies by GSMA Intelligence showed that against the backdrop of stagnating revenues from core business, two-thirds of operators identified new directions as the sole source of revenue growth for the year. It is noteworthy that for two-thirds of operators, revenues from non-core business exceeded revenues from fixed-line communication. The B2C segment accounts for the majority of non-telecom revenues, but growth is being driven by B2B due to accelerated digitization across all sectors of the global economy (growth drivers include Cloud and cybersecurity).


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Anwar, S. T., "Ntt docomo and m-commerce: A case study in market expansion and global strategy,"; Thunderbird International Business Review, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 139-164, 2002.

Bergvall-Kåreborn, B., D. Howcroft, and D. Chincholle, "Out-sourcing creative work: A study of mobile application develop-ment,"; 2010.

Selander, Lisen; Henfridsson, Ola; and Svahn, Fredrik, "TRANSFORMING ECOSYSTEM RELATIONSHIPS IN DIGITAL INNOVATION" (2010). ICIS 2010 Proceedings. 138.





Electronics and telecommunications

How to Cite

Polova, N., & Mudretskyi, R. (2023). Foreign Experience in the Development of Non-Core Services. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 299-302.
