Innovative Development and Technology Transfer as Factors of Sustainable Economic Growth



Innovative Development and Technology Transfer are integral parts of modern society. Their advancement requires addressing many challenges but provides significant opportunities for creating new products, improving quality of life, and advancing the economy. Successful innovative development necessitates fostering collaboration among scientific institutions, industrial enterprises, and government bodies, as well as utilizing modern technologies to enhance the efficiency of technology transfer processes. Only through this approach can sustainable innovative development and improved quality of life be achieved [1, 2].

Innovations play an extremely important role in the modern world and have a significant impact on the economy [6]. They are a necessary factor for achieving economic growth, increasing productivity and competitiveness; they promote the development of new industries, stimulate investment and entrepreneurship, change the structure of the economy, and improve people's quality of life. The effectiveness of innovative processes is influenced by the cognitive style of managers [11, 12]. Therefore, understanding and supporting innovative processes are important tasks for countries that aspire to develop and achieve sustainable economic progress [5].


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Stasiuk, Y. (2023). Innovative Development and Technology Transfer as Factors of Sustainable Economic Growth. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 433-437.
