Improving the Environmental Safety of Industrial Regions by De-Dusting Agglomeration Gases
Enterprises of ferrous metallurgy are one of the main sectors of the Ukrainian economy. This is the basis for the development of other types of industrial activity: mechanical engineering, construction industry, and other industries, as well as job creation, filling the state budget, and addressing many infrastructure projects [1]. Most enterprises in the industry were built many years ago. It should be noted that technological processes and equipment have been constantly improved. At the same time, insufficient attention has been paid to reducing the negative impact of these enterprises on the environment. As a result, in the regions where many metallurgical plants are located, critical environmental conditions have arisen due to the emission of large amounts of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Among the productions of metallurgical plants, the production of agglomerate is the most powerful polluter of the atmospheric air [2, 3]. This primarily concerns dust emissions. Existing agglomeration gas cleaning facilities do not always ensure the removal of dust before it enters the atmosphere. The problem of reducing the entry of dust into the atmosphere can be solved by dust suppression at the dust generation stage, for which the use of surfactant solutions and their compositions is expedient [4].
The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of agglomeration processes by improving the granulation of agglomerate and studying the reduction of dustiness of agglomeration gases during the processing of agglomeration charge with solutions of surfactants before sintering.
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