Reduction of the risk of disease to the population through dusting of agglomeration gases
sintering, dust, surfactants, environmental safetyAbstract
The analysis of methods and means of dedusting at sinter plants of our country showed an insufficient level of sinter gases purification. It is established that in order to achieve the required degree of gas purification, it is necessary to reduce the flow of dust into the air directly in the sources of dust formation. This will allow more efficient use of existing dedusting agents, significantly reduce the concentration of dust in the gases emitted into the atmosphere, improve the operation of equipment. The need to increase the level of environmental safety of sinter production creates a basis for further research in this area. The expediency of using surface-active substance (SAS) to improve the sinter nodulizing is substantiated. The most effective is the use of these solutions in the foam mode. A comparative description and analytical review of the physical and chemical features of the main substance that can be used to control dust. The solubility of foaming agents, their foaming ability, multiplicity and stability of foam, dust collecting ability were analyzed. The expediency of application foaming agent on the basis of trietanolamine alkyl sulfate of primary fatty acids is substantiated. Calculations of surface dust concentrations of emissions from sinter plant «ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih» to the proposed method of sinter charge treatment with surfactant solutions and after treatment by this method. It is established that the application of the method of sinter treatment before its nodulizing with SAS leads to a decrease in the concentration of dust in the surface layer of the atmosphere. To assess the risk of disease, the probability of disease was calculated based on the value of the integral indicator. The hazard ratio was also determined by comparing actual exposure levels with safe (reference) exposure levels. The expediency of using surface-active substance for sinter treatment is substantiated, which leads to an increase in the level of environmental safety by reducing the risk of morbidity of the population living in the zone of influence of metallurgical production by 2 times.
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