Increasing environmental safety by dedusting agglomeration gases
dust suppression, environmental safety, agglomeration gases, surface-active substances, sintering charge, dust concentration, industrial emissionsAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the main sources of dust formation in the conditions of agglomeration production, to study the characteristics of agglomeration gases, to improve the environmental safety of industrial regions by reducing the concentration of dust in agglomeration gases due to the treatment of the agglomeration charge with solutions of surface-active substances. Design / Method / Approach. The work used laboratory, bench and field research methods for determining the parameters of processing bulk materials with surface-active substances, industrial methods for determining the degree of dedusting of combustible gases. Findings. The main methods of dedusting sintering gases are analyzed, it is shown that it is possible to reduce dust in agglomeration gases by improving the lumping of the sintering charge. It was determined that it is possible to optimize the processes of agglomerate sintering by treating the agglomerate with solutions of surface-active substances. Experimental studies were carried out in industrial conditions to determine the concentration of dust in alogazes at different sites. It is shown that the concentration of dust decreases when the slag charge is treated with solutions of surface-active substances before its sintering. Theoretical Implications. The study expands the understanding of alternative methods of dedusting by optimizing the technological process. Practical Implications. The proposed system for treating the slag charge with a solution of surface-active substances can be used in other technological processes, which makes it possible to significantly reduce dust emissions into the environment. Originality / Value. The work contains an original solution to increase the efficiency of agglomeration of sinter charge, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of dust in sintering gases. Research Limitations / Future Research. The study is limited to the analysis of dustiness reduction of agglomeration production gases. Future research may focus on expanding the scope of the recommended bulk material handling system. Paper Type. Practitioner paper.
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