Conceptual Model for Enhancing Non-Academic Student Experience in the Context of Digital Transformation of Higher Education



digital transformation, student experience, Generation Z, higher education


Purpose: The study aims to develop a conceptual model for enhancing non-academic student experience in the context of digital transformation of higher education based on the needs and expectations of Generation Z students. Design/Method/Approach: The research methodology is based on the systematic, student-centered, and environmental approaches to designing the educational process. The theoretical foundation includes works on student experience, Generation Z characteristics, and digital transformation trends in universities. Methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, modeling, and systematization were applied. Findings: Key factors determining non-academic student experience formation are identified. Generation Z students' needs and expectations in the context of non-academic experience are systematized. A conceptual model for enhancing non-academic student experience is developed, including value-target, subject, content, technological, and performance blocks. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for model implementation are determined. Theoretical implications: The developed model has a holistic and dynamic nature, integrating key factors of experience formation and considering Generation Z students' needs. The model's structural blocks provide a systematic design, implementation, and evaluation of non-academic experience. Practical implications: Model implementation is associated with scaling university's digital infrastructure, transitioning to personalized support services, campus resources inventory, and developing partnerships with stakeholders. This will allow forming a favorable ecosystem of non-academic experience, ensuring student satisfaction, self-realization, and loyalty. Originality/Value: The proposed model provides a comprehensive approach to enhancing non-academic student experience, considering Generation Z students' characteristics and digital transformation trends in higher education.


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Project Management and Leadership

How to Cite

Pavlov, R., & Pavlova, T. (2024). Conceptual Model for Enhancing Non-Academic Student Experience in the Context of Digital Transformation of Higher Education. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 2, 382-387.
