Theatricalization of the context of cultural product consumption experience
Production experience marketing is more focused on the context in which it occurs, namely, on various tools that can be used in practices to create variations of experience content.
Research based on an experiential approach to consumption context often uses a theatrical metaphor to demonstrate the theoretical and managerial potential of theatricalization of consumer experience content. The work [5] attempts to describe more clearly the possible actions of companies to create an experience context, combining them into three groups:
Creating "decoration." This set of actions involves controlling the staging of the experience. The "stage" design mainly focuses on the place of product sales. "Re-enchantment" within the experience should reflect the company's positioning and be profitable. Evaluating the conversion rate from visits to actual sales can indirectly control the effectiveness of this set of actions.
Formation of "intrigue." The goal is to create a story around the product. Companies try to inform the consumer about the origin, life, and prospects of product (brand) development, for example, by linking it to events that encourage the buyer's hedonism and demonstrate the product (brand) in a certain context.
Actions aimed at promoting subject-product (subject-brand) relationships, i.e., consumer experience will be satisfied if the consumer feels a connection with the "decorations" and the offered product.
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