Conceptual Model of Project Management for Robotics in Mechanical Engineering



The current state of mechanical engineering in Ukraine is characterized by the use of robotic technologies, which ensures high productivity and significant reliance on automated control processes. An analytical review of system-technical methods for solving the problem of automation and management in mechanical engineering allows us to establish that reducing the time and costs of implementing production modernization requires the development of new methods for modeling and optimizing the processes of technical preparation of the entire robotic complex.

The central task in this regard is the procedure for considering project options with an assessment of alternatives based on selected criteria, which involves, first of all, at the initial stage, the creation of these projects.

Creating projects is a multi-level task due to the need to take into account and evaluate a large number of connections of economic, technical, financial, and organizational factors that are individually tailored to the specific structural element of production. The general task in this case is to create a project management methodology considering the specific application of robotics.


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Information technology and project management

How to Cite

Kadylnykova, T., & Korovnichenko, S. (2023). Conceptual Model of Project Management for Robotics in Mechanical Engineering. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 332-336.
