Educational Robotic Platform Based on an Intelligent Robot Manipulator



The processes of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space and the transition to modern educational standards have necessitated fundamental changes in the education sector. The quality of higher education in modern conditions is of great importance due to the integration of education into the industrial complex and the increase in the country's economic level. The sustainable development of the high-tech sector of industry in each country ensures the success of its social and economic development, which requires the presence of highly qualified specialists. However, in Ukraine, as in many other countries, there is unfortunately relatively low interest among talented youth in technical specialties. It should be noted that the level of education of youth determines both the completeness of self-realization of each individual and the standards of society's life as a whole.

The preparation of modern highly qualified specialists requires the harmonization of education with the requirements of international and European systems of standards and certification. In accordance with modern social demands, the training of higher education specialists should be based on a methodological foundation that requires improvement of the content, forms, and methods of the educational process. One of the ways to solve this problem in modern Ukrainian education is the modernization of the educational process, including providing students with the opportunity to choose their own learning trajectory and widely introducing a creative-practical component into the educational process.


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Інтеграція в європейський освітній простір: здобутки, проблеми, перспективи: Монографія / За заг. ред. Ф.Г. Ващука. – Уж-город: ЗакДУ, 2011. – 560 с.



How to Cite

Aleksieienko, S., & Kadylnykova, T. (2023). Educational Robotic Platform Based on an Intelligent Robot Manipulator. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 283-285.


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