Modern UAVs and the calculation of their propeller noise
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), often known as drones, are one of the most popular technologies of today. They are aircraft that do not require a pilot on board [1]. Due to their wide range of applications and technological progress, modern UAVs open up countless new possibilities in various fields. Currently, there are two main directions for the use of UAVs:
Military direction (reconnaissance and surveillance UAVs, as well as combat UAVs);
Civil direction (photo and video shooting, geodesy, and cartography).
UAVs can have different designs and sizes. They can be multirotor (with several rotors) or have a fixed wing.
Modern UAVs impress with their technical characteristics. They are capable of autonomous flights over long distances, have autopilot systems, GPS navigation, obstacle avoidance systems, battery power, and integrated control systems, which simplify their operation.
During flight, UAV units emit noise into the environment, with the main source being their propeller. In the civilian sector, UAV noise can cause annoyance to people, while in the military sector, detecting this noise allows for its direction finding and the UAV's destruction. To eliminate these harmful factors, there is a need to calculate the acoustic field of the UAV's propeller.
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