Method for determining the mechanical characteristics of living bodies
mechanical characteristics, living organisms, internal structure, Colorado potato beetleAbstract
This study is dedicated to improving the method for determining the mechanical characteristics of living organisms, especially those with complex internal structures. This presents certain difficulties for analysis. The goal is to develop a simple and effective approach to this task, which would allow the determination of the mechanical properties of living systems without the need for detailed analysis of their internal structure. Experimental studies have demonstrated the success of this method, which allowed for the accurate determination of the mechanical characteristics of a harmful insect (the Colorado potato beetle), in particular, its mass, stiffness, and resonant frequency. These results indicate the potential effectiveness of the method in determining the mechanical characteristics of various types of organisms. This work is important at the stage of theoretical research because it proposes a new approach to determining the mechanical properties of living bodies. This approach may find applications in various fields, including biology, medicine, and engineering. Practically, this method can be used to study various living organisms, especially plant pests, and determine their mechanical characteristics. The uniqueness of this study lies in its simplicity and efficiency, as well as its potential applicability in various contexts. However, a limitation is that it was conducted on a limited range of vibrational frequencies of organisms, and additional research could complement its results. Future studies may consider variations of this method and its application in a broader range of situations. Thus, this scientific work has significant potential to make a substantial contribution to the development of methods for determining the mechanical characteristics of living bodies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Данило Снобко, Галина Сокол (Автор)

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