Infrasound emitting at the start of a space rocket launch
The analysis of acoustic radiation during the launch of a heavy space rocket is the main goal of this work. Particular attention is paid to the determination of sound pressure levels in the vicinity of the rocket body and its potential effect on the body, flexible connections and internal devices. Additionally, the generation of infrasonic waves in the Earth's atmosphere and their interaction with atmospheric phenomena are investigated.
To achieve this goal, several tasks are solved in this work. First of all, the basic principles of generation, propagation and direction of sound waves and infrasound during the launch of a space rocket are studied. Then a method is developed for analyzing acoustic sources and radiation in the initial seconds of a rocket flight.
Additionally, an analysis is made of the relationship between the characteristics of acoustic radiation and sound pressure levels near the body of the launch vehicle. A general technique for studying acoustic radiation during the first 14 seconds of a space rocket flight is being developed.
An important part of the study is the study of the interaction of infrasonic waves with magnetic particles and their influence on geomagnetic variations. Comprehensive observations, analysis and modeling are being carried out to better understand and explain the relationship between seismic activity, infrasonic vibrations and atmospheric phenomena.
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