Liquid anti-fire missiles. The method of extinguishing fires



Such types of fires as forest fires are becoming an increasingly acute problem around the world affecting life on our entire planet. In just the past few years, large fires have besieged a number of countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Turkey, and Brazil, and even such regions as Greenland and Northern Europe.

Global fire protection associations are working on new standards and practices that address wildfires. One of the ways to increase efficiency of fighting against forest fires and fires in general is the use of automated systems for detecting and extinguishing fires.


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Galyna Sokol, Andrey Sokol. The Method of Extinguishing Fires using an Antifire / GJSFR Volume 22 Issue 2 Version. 1.0 Glob-al Journal of Science Frontier Research: I Interdisciplinary Volume 22, Issue 2 ,Version 1.0 Year, 2022 . p.1-4.Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896 / I Classification: DDC Code: 614.845 LCC Code: QC100, DOI:10.17406/GJSFR.




How to Cite

Sokol, A., & Sokol, H. (2023). Liquid anti-fire missiles. The method of extinguishing fires. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 37-40.
