Numerical Study of the Physical Mechanism of Tonal Noise Generation by Aerodynamic Profiles



The generation of aerodynamic noise by the airflow around structural elements of technical devices is one of the current engineering problems. In the modern world, increasing attention is being paid to environmental issues and ensuring safety in daily life, including reducing the negative impact of noise pollution. Examples of sources of aerodynamic noise include road vehicles, high-speed rail transport, aviation equipment, industrial machinery, and wind turbines.

Understanding the physical mechanisms underlying sound generation is crucial for developing noise reduction technologies. The primary task is to accurately model the aerodynamic and acoustic fields created by the flowing body.


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How to Cite

Aleksieienko, S., & Nekrasov, V. (2023). Numerical Study of the Physical Mechanism of Tonal Noise Generation by Aerodynamic Profiles. Challenges and Issues of Modern Science, 1, 33-36.
